TV Schedule

  • 00:05

    07 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    1942: Hitler pits the forces of the German Fatherland against those of the Soviet Motherland at Stalingrad. Stalin's fiercely patriotic army will fight the Nazis to the last drop of blood.

  • 01:10

    07 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    WWII was a war in the skies; though the Treaty of Versailles had prevented the Germans from developing new weapons, they sponsored air clubs and pushed for supremacy in the air.

  • 02:10

    07 Feb

    Revolutions That Changed History - Season 1

    Fed up with inequality, the French Third Estate revolted ny storming the Bastille and igniting the Reign of Terror; Napoleon rose amidst the chaos, ending the Republic and setting France on a new path.

  • 03:00

    07 Feb

    Queens That Changed The World - Season 1

    Boudica's husband Prasutagus, who was chief of the Iceni, died before Roman invaders beat her and had her daughters raped; in revenge, Boudica and her army razed Roman cities to the ground.

  • 03:50

    07 Feb

    Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

  • 04:45

    07 Feb

    Forbidden History - Season 6

    How great was the Nazi belief in the occult? Was Hitler behind it, or was this mostly Himmler's doing, and did Nazi generals believe in the occult and attend secret ceremonies?

  • 06:00

    07 Feb

    Cursed Bloodlines - Season 1

    The tragic histories of the political dynasties of the Bhutto family in Pakistan and the Nehru-Gandhi family in India are often compared to that of America's Kennedy family.

  • 06:20

    07 Feb

    Royals: Keeping the Crown - Season 1

    Queen Elizabeth had clung onto power, but the royals' position was made all the more perilous as powerful anti-Establishment voices in the press threatened to end the era of deference to royals.

  • 07:25

    07 Feb

    Forbidden History - Season 7

    The remains of 7,000 humans were discovered in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta's Neolithic temple; could the temple reveal the mystery of who they belonged to and what happened to its owners?

  • 08:20

    07 Feb

    Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

  • 09:30

    07 Feb

    Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity - Season 3

    Zombies have been giving horror buffs the chills for nearly 100 years, but they are more than just monsters on film screens according to some sources; are zombies a myth or a reality?

  • 10:35

    07 Feb

    Top Ten Warfare - Season 1

    Weapons win wars; it's been claimed that the human race has spent more time, money, and effort in developing weapons than in any other single field of human endeavour.

  • 11:35

    07 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    WWII was a war in the skies; though the Treaty of Versailles had prevented the Germans from developing new weapons, they sponsored air clubs and pushed for supremacy in the air.

  • 12:35

    07 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    1942: Hitler pits the forces of the German Fatherland against those of the Soviet Motherland at Stalingrad. Stalin's fiercely patriotic army will fight the Nazis to the last drop of blood.

  • 13:40

    07 Feb

    Forbidden History - Season 7

    The remains of 7,000 humans were discovered in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta's Neolithic temple; could the temple reveal the mystery of who they belonged to and what happened to its owners?

  • 14:35

    07 Feb

    Royals: Keeping the Crown - Season 1

    Queen Elizabeth had clung onto power, but the royals' position was made all the more perilous as powerful anti-Establishment voices in the press threatened to end the era of deference to royals.

  • 15:40

    07 Feb

    Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace

  • 16:50

    07 Feb

    Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity - Season 3

    Zombies have been giving horror buffs the chills for nearly 100 years, but they are more than just monsters on film screens according to some sources; are zombies a myth or a reality?

  • 17:55

    07 Feb

    Top Ten Warfare - Season 1

    Weapons win wars; it's been claimed that the human race has spent more time, money, and effort in developing weapons than in any other single field of human endeavour.

  • 18:55

    07 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    1942: Hitler pits the forces of the German Fatherland against those of the Soviet Motherland at Stalingrad. Stalin's fiercely patriotic army will fight the Nazis to the last drop of blood.

  • 20:00

    07 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    WWII was a war in the skies; though the Treaty of Versailles had prevented the Germans from developing new weapons, they sponsored air clubs and pushed for supremacy in the air.

  • 21:00

    07 Feb

    Revolutions That Changed History - Season 1 New

    Fed up with inequality, the French Third Estate revolted ny storming the Bastille and igniting the Reign of Terror; Napoleon rose amidst the chaos, ending the Republic and setting France on a new path.

  • 22:05

    07 Feb

    Queens That Changed The World - Season 1

    Boudica's husband Prasutagus, who was chief of the Iceni, died before Roman invaders beat her and had her daughters raped; in revenge, Boudica and her army razed Roman cities to the ground.

  • 23:05

    07 Feb

    Nazi Secret Files - Season 1

    The Nazis had plans for a gigantic mirror in space that could focus sunlight into a narrow beam capable of obliterating cities and armies from 5,100 miles above the Earth.

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Brings history to life with captivating documentaries that take a fresh, modern look into history. We take our viewers on a powerful journey through time with intelligent, well researched programmes that entertain and challenge their minds. The focus is on european history, revealing the secrets of the past and how it defines us today.

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