TV Schedule

  • 00:10

    10 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2.

  • 01:15

    10 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    Adolf Hitler was famously against using chemical and biological weapons, but chemistry and biological science still played an incredible role in the Nazis' unquenchable quest for power.

  • 02:10

    10 Feb

    Mussolini: The First Fascist - Season 1

  • 03:05

    10 Feb

    Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator - Season 1

    To determine how Der Führer's secrets may have shaped the man behind the tyrant, we need to examine his troubled childhood and sociopathic personality.

  • 04:00

    10 Feb

    Jesus' Family Secrets

  • 04:50

    10 Feb

    Forbidden History - Season 7

    A team of experts investigate the methods Hitler used to indoctrinate Germany, turning it into a finely-tuned war machine; we visit Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry and the holiday park of Prora.

  • 05:35

    10 Feb

    Cursed Bloodlines - Season 1

    The tragic histories of the political dynasties of the Bhutto family in Pakistan and the Nehru-Gandhi family in India are often compared to that of America's Kennedy family.

  • 06:00

    10 Feb

    Royals: Keeping the Crown - Season 1

    As the torchbearers of Diana's legacy, the Queen pins her hopes on William and Harry to take the monarchy into the 21st century, but just how 'normal' can this next generation be?

  • 07:00

    10 Feb

    Revolutions That Changed History - Season 1

    Fed up with inequality, the French Third Estate revolted ny storming the Bastille and igniting the Reign of Terror; Napoleon rose amidst the chaos, ending the Republic and setting France on a new path.

  • 08:05

    10 Feb

    Jesus' Family Secrets

  • 09:10

    10 Feb

    Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity - Season 3

    Dragons have been an integral part of culture and history for centuries - sometimes as fire-breathing monsters, other times as healing spirits - but what is the truth behind the legends?

  • 10:20

    10 Feb

    Top Ten Warfare - Season 1

    What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.

  • 11:25

    10 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    Adolf Hitler was famously against using chemical and biological weapons, but chemistry and biological science still played an incredible role in the Nazis' unquenchable quest for power.

  • 12:20

    10 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2.

  • 13:25

    10 Feb

    Revolutions That Changed History - Season 1

    Fed up with inequality, the French Third Estate revolted ny storming the Bastille and igniting the Reign of Terror; Napoleon rose amidst the chaos, ending the Republic and setting France on a new path.

  • 14:35

    10 Feb

    Royals: Keeping the Crown - Season 1

    As the torchbearers of Diana's legacy, the Queen pins her hopes on William and Harry to take the monarchy into the 21st century, but just how 'normal' can this next generation be?

  • 15:35

    10 Feb

    Jesus' Family Secrets

  • 16:45

    10 Feb

    Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity - Season 3

    Dragons have been an integral part of culture and history for centuries - sometimes as fire-breathing monsters, other times as healing spirits - but what is the truth behind the legends?

  • 17:55

    10 Feb

    Top Ten Warfare - Season 1

    What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.

  • 19:00

    10 Feb

    Greatest Events of World War II In Colour - Season 1

    The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2.

  • 20:00

    10 Feb

    Secret Nazi Science - Season 1

    Adolf Hitler was famously against using chemical and biological weapons, but chemistry and biological science still played an incredible role in the Nazis' unquenchable quest for power.

  • 21:00

    10 Feb

    Adolf Hitler: Decoding A Dictator - Season 1 New

    To determine how Der Führer's secrets may have shaped the man behind the tyrant, we need to examine his troubled childhood and sociopathic personality.

  • 22:05

    10 Feb

    Mussolini: The First Fascist - Season 1

  • 23:10

    10 Feb

    Nazi Secret Files - Season 1

    Archaeological artefacts from a 1937 dig had the Nazis believe that Germany was the birthplace of modern humans and that these cavemen had unleashed genocide on the Neanderthals; none of it was true.

About Us

Brings history to life with captivating documentaries that take a fresh, modern look into history. We take our viewers on a powerful journey through time with intelligent, well researched programmes that entertain and challenge their minds. The focus is on european history, revealing the secrets of the past and how it defines us today.

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